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Would you be interested in a hair transplant that leaves a scar so small its thinner than a "Pencil Tip"? Can you see a scar in this photo? Neither can the other 99.9% of the people.



Unfortunately, a hair transplant leaves scars. And the worst scars are left by inexperienced technicians, doctors and especially clinics that still offer FUE hair transplants.  The FUE hair transplant procedure literally punches hair grafts out of your scalp. This is an outdated hair restoration process was developed in the 1950s and while the size of the punch is smaller today, it still leaves 100's of small round and commonly white scars on your head. Serious scarring, plus what's worse is the fact that FUE procedures can only move about 4,000 hairs.

Check out Natural Transplants' HUE+ (High-Yield Unit Extraction®) that can yield up to 6-7 hairs per graft; as many as 12,000 hairs in just one procedure leaving a nearly invisible incision. The most that anyone might see is a "pencil-tip" thin scar with your hair cut to just a 1/2" length. Take a look at more photos by clicking HERE.  If you are ready to take the next step make an appointment for a free hair transplant consultation by calling toll-free 844-327-4247. You and one of our medical doctors can discuss your needs via the phone, in our offices, Skype or Facetime.

Hair Transplant Consultation
Learn more about Hair Grafting Cost | Free Online Consultation.  We invite you to call 844-327-4247 and schedule your free hair transplant consultation with one of our licensed medical doctors. Let's discover together what solutions are available tosolve your hair loss problems ~ permanently..

Florida Hair Restoration Consultation Offices and Surgical Facility

No matter where what city or country you live choosing Natural Transplants is well worth the time, effort and expense as you receice a fuller, natural looking hair transplant. But click here if you live somewhere besides Florida and would like to travel to Miami and get a great hair transplant, then as long as you are coming here to get you hair restoration surgery, why not spend some time here and make it a great vacation, too? Our clients travel from the world over to come to our Hair Restoration Clinics so we understand that sometimes you might need to travel to get to your hair transplant at our clinics. So we gladly offer a $1,000 travel incentive to our hair transplant patients. To learn more about the travel incentive click HERE or call 305-521-8663. Our clinics offer free consultations via Skype, Facetime, or in person.

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